We acknowledge the ruleset author Lee Kendall.
Lee Kendall
“A huge step forward today for 8 ball pool.
Congratulations to all the counties of the EPA that voted for change.
World rules were great and I’ve enjoyed playing them. However we all need to think of the next generation of pool players and making our game an exciting sport!”
World Team Champions 2022
European Champion 2015, 2001
Home International Champion 2018, 2009, 2002
World Team Champions 2022, 2017-2019, 2015, 2012-2013, 2007-2010, 2003, 2005, 1999-2001, 1997, 1995, 1993
European Team Champions 2014-2020, 2012, 2009-2010, 2003-2007, 2000-2001, 1998
18 x Home International Champions
Winner of Mosconi Cup (9 Ball) 1995
European Master’s Runner Up
4th in the BCA Singles, Las Vegas
European Medal 14:1 1998
7 × Tour Titles
Lee Kendall